It's hard to believe that another year has passed, but what a year it was! 2022 was full of unforgettable moments and exciting events that brought our community together and reminded us of the significance of appreciating the small things in life. We discovered delight in the simplest of moments from outdoor experiences, like hiking and picnics, to cozy days on the property enjoying activities like cooking, reading, and playing games. We'd like to take you on a journey through some of our most cherished memories as we reflect on the highlights of 2022.

We made a lot of great memories throughout 2022, but without a doubt, these are the ones that stood out the most:

  • Assist Manager Retreat
  • Summer Picnic
  • Gemstone Trip to OMSI
  • CIP Beach Trip
  • Halloween Party
  • Christmas Party

Each year, we plan and host events that will engage our clients in activities that allow them to feel integrated with society. Making sure that our clients are cared for, feel included, and have fun is a top priority for us at the Central Oregon Collective. We create opportunities for individuals to live full and rich lives in community with others through our values of passion, mutual respect & generosity. That's exactly why we carefully plan each outing or party to be unique and full of fun opportunities for everyone! Not only do our clients love it, but our employees do too! The relationships between staff and clients at Central Oregon Collective are hard to beat and it truly feels like family around here.While we have a range of clients that have joined us over the years, we've had some residents that have been with us for a long time! Shari L is one of our longest residents having been with us since 1992. It's been an incredible journey watching Shari grow more confident and excitable during her time at Central Oregon Collective. She has a lively spirit and contributes so much joy to our staff and her fellow neighbors. In fact, she loves where she lives because her neighbors have become her friends and it's a highlight of her week to interact with them everyday.

Not only does she get along well with her neighbors, but she also gets along really well with her furry roommate. That's right, Shari has a pet! This cutie is named Tara, who was gifted to Shari by our behavioral specialist, Chuck.Shari has grown to love many things over her time with us, but here are a few of her favorites:Favorite part about COC: All of the activities and trips. She likes that she has someone on staff that can take her out to go shopping and have coffee almost everyday. She especially likes to going to Beth's house to do baking and crafting projects as well as occasional "ladies nights"!Favorite hobbies: Fishing and live music. She loves going to all the summer concerts that Bend hosts and can't wait for them to start up again soon.Shari is a true sweetheart and keeps a smile on our faces everyday. She contributes so much laughter and positivity to Central Oregon Collective.

Another one of our lovely residents is Courtney T, who has been with COC since 2001. Courtney has a wonderful sense of humor and always makes us laugh at Central Oregon Collective!Courtney loves spending quality time with others, especially her housemates. One of her favorite activities is going out for milkshakes or coffee with her favorite staff. Lucky for her, there's a great variety of cafés and ice cream shops here in Bend!She fills Central Oregon Collective with so much laughter and has an inspiring joy for the little things. Here's a few of her highlights:Favorite part about COC: The outings and activities that she gets to go on with staff and her friends.Favorite Hobbies: She loves to make people laugh, mostly through her sarcasm.After a long day, Courtney loves to unwind by spending time at home in her big comfy chair or enjoying her purple and yellow bedroom that she designed. She is definitely a big attribute to our community here at COC and we are so thankful that we get to do life with her!It's important to cherish the memories we've made and to hold on to the moments that brought us joy. Whether it was the thrill of exploring Central Oregon, or the simple pleasure of spending time playing games at COC, we've made memories that will last a lifetime. As we recap all the wonderful memories of 2022, we want to thank our amazing team! Their unwavering commitment to strive for inclusion, coupled with their passion and kindness, have been the driving force behind our mission. Their dedication to our organization has not gone unnoticed and we are truly thankful for every one of them. We are so thankful for all of our wonderful staff, incredible clients, and partners in the Bend community who are walking alongside us. Everybody plays a part in helping our organization thrive and we are so excited to see what is in store for us in 2023!We share photos of our adventures and other relevant information about us on our social media. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all things Central Oregon Collective!